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DPP- - Doctor of Professional Practice

The Doctor of Professional Practice is designed for experienced practitioners to develop advanced knowledge and skills relevant to their professional context. It equips mature professionals to develop their research competency and their critically reflective practice, and to further develop their theoretical knowledge. Students undertake advanced coursework and independent supervised research, integrating critical thinking, spiritual awareness, and theological engagement with a body of knowledge and lived experience through enquiry-based research to address complex problems and initiate positive and sustainable change in their professional context. By engaging with theory and practice, candidates contribute in significant ways to the application of knowledge and/or practice within diverse professional contexts. Students then complete a research project of not more than 65,000 words and submit at least one article or equivalent to a peer-reviewed publication. Graduates of the program are strategically innovative and collaborative practitioners who integrate understandings of self, profession, systems and context. The Doctor of Professional Practice requires completion of 432 points. Students must complete Year 1 (coursework) before proceeding to Year 2. This requires successful completion of the six core units with an average mark of 70% and successful application of confirmation of candidature, including approval of the proposed research project. Students complete a research project (years 2 and 3) of not more than 65,000 words (inclusive of all elements except the bibliography) and undergo independent examination by at least two external expert examiners of international standing. The research project constitutes an advancement of knowledge in the context of professional practice through systematic and critical understanding of a complex field of learning and specialised, independent research skills. Research projects may be presented in one of the following forms: - a thesis of 65,000 words - an exegeted research project or report - a publication portfolio and meta-analysis - an exegeted non-traditional research output (NTRO) Students must submit at least one journal article or book chapter or equivalent to a peer-reviewed publication during the period of candidature. Students who do not complete the course of study within the maximum time and whose candidature lapses in good standing may be permitted to submit a research project for examination within two years of the date on which candidature lapsed.

CHCFIN010 - Apply basic concepts of small business to financial counselling

This course will equip Financial Counsellors and Rural Financial Counsellors working with clients who operate small businesses. It will enable participants to identify the structure and current financial position of a small business and to use this information when providing financial counselling services.

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RFC - Rural Financial Counselling Specialisation

This specialisation will help you develop skills to work with rurally based clients to set goals and budgets. Using a client-focused financial counselling process you will explore ways to help clients achieve their financial goals and manage what at times can be difficult situations.

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CertDiv - Undergraduate Certificate in Divinity

The Undergraduate Certificate in Divinity offers students an opportunity to explore a range of theological, philosophical and ministry-related studies. Students may explore new or develop existing knowledge and skills for vocational and professional purposes. The Undergraduate Certificate in Divinity consists of 72 points comprised of 72 points of any discipline except DZ.

GCRM - Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology

The Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology equips students to apply sophisticated research skills to complex issues such as the development of a research proposal, gathering of and conceptual processing of research material, and the presentation of a research artefact, such as a dissertation. Candidates for the Graduate Certificate in Research Methodology must complete 72 points as follows: a) a unit in research methodology worth 24 points b) RQ9748M Minor Thesis

CHC53215 - Diploma of Alcohol and Other Drugs

Be equipped with high level specialist knowledge, practical skills and competencies to support people with health issues related to alcohol and drug use and misuse. You will expand your knowledge on the effects of alcohol and other drugs and learn how to provide counselling, referral and promotion services to clients. This course will also equip you with the skills to offer realistic and achievable pathways to clients, improving their lives and enabling their re-engagement with their family, the community and the workforce.

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GDTheol- - Graduate Diploma in Theology

The Graduate Diploma in Theology allows students to explore areas of interest in theology. It provides a substantial foundation for further study and a means of engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian practice and identity. The Graduate Diploma in Theology consists of 144 points comprised of: - 72 points of Postgraduate Foundational units taken across three disciplines in at least three fields; and - a further 72 points at postgraduate level

CHCSS00111 - Problem Gambling Skill Set

This course is industry endorsed and will provide you with a set of skills for working with clients who have gambling problems. An online course, ideally suited to those already working as counsellors, financial counsellors or case-workers, it would also assist other health professionals who want to develop specialised skills to support clients and their families with gambling issues.

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CHC52021 - Diploma of Community Services
(Case Management)

This course is for people who value making a difference in their community by contributing to build strong and inclusive communities. It reflects the roles of workers involved in the managing, co-ordinating and/or delivering of person-centred services to individuals, groups and communities.

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GCTheol- - Graduate Certificate in Theology

The Graduate Certificate in Theology qualifies students in theological study by developing or deepening their knowledge and skills in theological disciplines. It serves as a foundation for further study and a means of critically engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian life and social engagement. The Graduate Certificate in Theology consists of 72 points of Postgraduate Foundational units from at least three Fields.

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