314 results (0.046 seconds)
CHCDEV005 - Analyse impacts of sociological factors on people in community work and services
CHCEDU005 - Work with clients to identify financial literacy education needs
CHCFIN001 - Facilitate the financial counselling process
CHCFIN004 - Provide rural financial counselling services
CHCFIN007 - Provide advice, counselling and representation to financial counselling clients
CHCFIN009 - Provide financial counselling and systemic advocacy within a social justice framework
CHCFIN010 - Apply basic concepts of small business to financial counselling
CHCMHS002 - Establish self-directed recovery relationships
CMTMIN401A - Explore ideas about God in relation to the way we live as Christians
CMTTHE403A - Investigate information within a theological theme or issue