We all know learning is important but at the same time, family, work commitments and geographic proximity can put a limit on our study plans. That is why in 2020 we are offering several delivery modes of study, so you can fit your University or Vocational studies into how you do life.
Here are five ways you can combine your learning into your lifestyle.
1. Online
At Eva Burrows College, our undergraduate and postgraduate awards by coursework and majority of our vocational qualifications are delivered online. If geographic proximity is limiting your study plans online learning is a great option.
2. Blended Learning
Blended learning requires the student to participate in three consecutive days of classroom teaching and 21 hours of online study over a period of seven weeks. This mode of study gives students another option in helping them to find the right fit for their learning and lifestyle. The classroom component of the teaching will be offered in several locations, including Brisbane North Corps, or our Bexley North and Ringwood Campuses.
3. Weekly Classes
Join us at our Melbourne Campus and participate in a weekly classroom setting during the Semester, either undertaking a unit of study as part of a Higher Education Award or audit the unit, allowing you access to all the resources without the requirement of completing the assessment tasks. A list of all the classes running at our Melbourne Campus can be found here.
4. Intensives
Intensives take place over a short time frame, condensing a semester of Higher Education studies of face to face learning into two weeks and requires you to complete assessments over the period of the semester. To learn more about Intensives available in 2020 and the dates they will be running click here.
5. Placements
Many of our vocational training courses combine practical experience and knowledge with workplace learning placements, allowing students to draw on the expertise of an organisation that has over 150 years’ experience in helping Australians overcome hardship and injustice. This component can be discussed with the Course Coordinator after your application has been received.
Learn More
If you are considering learning for personal interest, academic pursuit or to upskill, start the conversation with us to learn more. Phone +61 3 9847 5400 or fill out the Enquiry Form and one of our friendly staff will be in contact with you.