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2024 Research Showcase Event



Eva Burrows College will hold a Research Showcase on Wednesday 13 November from 4.00 - 6.00 pm to highlight and celebrate recent publications of our teaching staff and honorary research associates. The event will include official book launches of two titles:

Sue Holdsworth, Learning to Love: Utilizing the Principles and Practices of Pastoral Care for Mission. Eugene: OR: Wipf and Stock, 2024.

Arseny Ermakov and Glen O'Brien, eds. A Curious Machine: Wesleyan Reflections on the Posthuman Future. Eugene OR: Wipf and Stock, 2023, which was shortlisted for the Australian Christian Book of the Year Award.

Copies of these titles will be available at a discounted price on the day and authors will be available to sign your copy. 

We will also enjoy short presentations from other EBC staff, including:

  • Catherine Spiller on her forthcoming book Liturgical Practices for Full Participation, which is based on her recently completed doctoral dissertation and will be published by Salvo Publishing.
  • Arseny Ermakov on his co-edited collection of essays, The Holy People of God: Identity, Contexts, Challenges. Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2024, and his chapter within it on 'Dangerous Touch: Reading Gospel Impurity Stories in the Time of Pandemic.'
  • Emma Moore on 'Catherine Booth's Anxious Emotionology in Public and Domestic Spheres' in preparation for a volume on Spirited Sisters: Women in the Holiness and Pentecostal Traditions, edited by Kimberly Ervin Alexander, Glen O’Brien, and James E. Pedlar under consideration with Penn State University Press. 
  • Angela Sawyer on her Trauma Hermeneutics Pedagogy book and her chapter on 'The Lost and Found Children of Daughter Zion in Deutero-Isaiah.' In Violence against Women and Children in the Hebrew Bible: Between Trauma and Resilience, edited by Kristine Henriksen Garroway, Hyun Chul Paul Kim, and John W. Martens. London: T&T Clark Bloomsbury, 2024.

Light refreshments will be available. Please register to attend this event.  

Event details:

Wednesday, 13 November 2024 at 4.00 to 6.00 pm
Eva Burrows College, Ringwood Campus, 100 Maidstone Street, Ringwood
Light refreshments will be available

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