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GCTheol- - Graduate Certificate in Theology

The Graduate Certificate in Theology qualifies students in theological study by developing or deepening their knowledge and skills in theological disciplines. It serves as a foundation for further study and a means of critically engaging Christian thought and traditions. Graduates are able to articulate insights for Christian life and social engagement. The Graduate Certificate in Theology consists of 72 points of Postgraduate Foundational units from at least three Fields.

GCDiv - Graduate Certificate in Divinity

The Graduate Certificate in Divinity allows students to explore areas of interest in divinity and its associated disciplines. It serves as an introduction to the broad field of study of theology or philosophy and disciplines which are associated with them. Every course of study for the Graduate Certificate in Divinity consists of 72 points of Foundational or Elective units.

CHCSS00077 - Financial Literacy Education Skill Set

Enrol in this six month online, self-directed course to help you develop the skills necessary to educate your clients on money management and basic consumer credit issues. There are no entry requirements for this qualification. However, it is most suited to individuals who either; hold a qualification at Certificate III level or higher in Community Services, health or another related field or have skills equivalent to the qualification requirement validated through a recognition of prior learning process.

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11070NAT - Diploma of Chaplaincy

This course is for any individual looking to train as a Chaplain; a vocation that meets people at their point of need and provides support. Delivered via face-to-face workshops, online classroom sessions and self-directed online learning, the Diploma of Chaplaincy will empower you with pragmatic learning to pursue your commitment to serve in the ministry you are called to.

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BSB50420 - Diploma of Leadership and Management

This course is a great introduction to the world of leadership and management and will give you the skills to provide leadership, guidance and support to others as well as taking responsibility for your own decisions and performance.

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CHC42021 - Certificate IV in Community Services

This course is for anyone who values making a difference in their community and wants to contribute to building strong and inclusive communities. It reflects the roles of workers involved in the managing, co-ordinating and/or delivering of person-centred services to individuals, groups and communities.

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MTS - - Master of Theological Studies -/

The Master of Theological Studies enables students to apply an advanced body of knowledge in theology and its associated disciplines. Students broaden their knowledge and skills and deepen their engagement with select areas of study to prepare them for professional practice and further learning. The Master of Theological Studies consists of 288 points comprised of: a) 72 points of Postgraduate Foundational units from at least three fields b) 120 points of Postgraduate Elective units in more than one field c) Either one Capstone unit of at least 24 points or the unit RQ9748M Minor Thesis d) Further units at postgraduate level.

AdvDipTheolMin- - Advanced Diploma in Theology and Ministry

The Advanced Diploma in Theology and Ministry builds on the Diploma in Theology by enabling students to deepen their understanding of the key theological disciplines of Biblical Studies and Christian Thought and History and in Ministry. This is extended by further study in those disciplines and in the area of practical ministry studies. It may be possible for students to undertake study in a ministry setting as part of the course. The Advanced Diploma in Theology and Ministry consists of 288 points comprised of: - 18 points of Old Testament - 18 points of New Testament - 18 points of Church History - 18 points of Systematic Theology - 36 additional points from Field B (Biblical Studies) and / or Field C (Christian Thought and History) - 36 points from Field D (Theology: Mission and Ministry) - a further 144 points of study.

MoT- - Master of Theology

The Master of Theology enables students with an undergraduate degree in theology or ministry to apply an advanced body of knowledge in theology and its associated disciplines. Students deepen their engagement with select areas of study to prepare them for professional practice and further learning. The Master of Theology consists of 240 points comprised of: a) Up to 48 points of Postgraduate Foundational units in any discipline b) A Capstone unit worth at least 24 points or the unit RQ9748M Minor Thesis c) Further Postgraduate Elective units to make up a total of 240 points.

BMin- - Bachelor of Ministry

The Bachelor of Ministry prepares students for the practice of ministry. It establishes foundations for ministry through the study of scriptures, theological traditions, historical and contemporary contexts. It requires concentrated study in ministry praxis. The Bachelor of Ministry provides a foundation for graduates to understand and articulate their identity and place in the world. It may be possible for students to undertake study in a ministry setting as part of the course. The Bachelor of Ministry consists of 432 points comprised of: a) 72 points in a discipline or disciplines in Field B (Biblical Studies) which must include at least 18 points in each Testament; b) 36 points in the discipline of Church History; c) 72 points in the discipline of Systematic Theology; d) 36 points in a discipline or disciplines in Field D (Theology: Mission and Ministry); e) 72 points of units in the discipline of Pastoral Theology and Ministry Studies including at least 36 points of Supervised Theological Field Education or Clinical Pastoral Education; and f) An undergraduate Capstone unit worth at least 18 points; and g) A further 126 points. Each course of study for the Bachelor of Ministry: a) must not include more than 216 points at level 1; and b) must include at least 108 points at level 3 including 36 points at level 3 in a discipline or disciplines in Field D (Theology: Mission and Ministry).

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