Learning and Development Team
To engage with the Learning and Development team or the broader College about your capacity and capability needs, contact your local Learning Partner.
philip.clark@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0455 448 875 |
Philip ClarkGeneral Manager of Learning & Development “My professional background is in strategy and reform, program management, HR management, learning and development, executive coaching, leadership, organisational capability development, change management, stakeholder and employee engagement. I have a Master of Organisational Development and training and coaching accreditations in EQi, Genos EI and Prosci. I’m passionate about ensuring that learning and development becomes a vital and integral enabler for raising the capability and capacity of people across all mission expressions.” |
karen.lattouf@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0419 638 908 |
Karen LattoufTerritorial Leadership Development Manager “My experience in leadership encompasses a variety of experiences and learning, including roles such as Salvation Army Officer, Family and Relationship Counsellor, Aged Care Chaplain, and manager of a telephone counselling service. My current role as Leadership Development Manager draws on my experiences both in work and life, along with a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology, a Master of Business Administration (Executive), Diploma in Ministry and Cert IV in Training & Assessment. I am accredited in a number of assessment tools designed to support leaders in their own development and awareness of themselves and the people they lead. My passion is to support and resource leaders to be the best that they can be.” |
janelle.murley@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0429 068 945 |
Janelle MurleyLearning Partner THQ Mission “I am a learning and development practitioner with over 20 years experience. My passion for the mission of The Salvation Army extends to my role as an active member of the Ringwood Corps. My expertise includes capability framework development, training needs analysis, stakeholder engagement, training solution design and workshop facilitation. I am accredited in a number of team, leadership and EQ profiling tools, have a passion for leadership and management development and am a qualified coach committed to helping people achieve their potential.” |
deanne.boothman@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0428 246 864 |
Deanne BoothmanLearning Partner THQ Centralised Services "I have been with The Salvation Army for 10 years and started my journey at Employment Plus. In my role as Learning Partner in the national Learning and Development Team, I am passionate about enabling growth and collaboration within teams to enhance their capacity and capability. With a Bachelor of Business in HR Management, a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, and accreditation in Team Management Profiling (TMP), I specialise in delivering tailored training solutions, facilitating engaging workshops, and driving team development. I use these tools and approaches to support individuals and teams in achieving their potential. My vision is to create opportunities for growth and connection, enabling people to thrive in their roles and make a meaningful impact in their work." |
andrea.deighton@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0400 870 069 |
Andrea DeightonLearning Partner QLD “I have been with The Salvation Army for over 20 years, firstly as a trainer for the IT Department, and now as the Learning Partner for Queensland. My skills and experience include training, system implementation, and instructional design including e-learning development. As a Learning Partner, I have a strong desire to see people reach their full potential, by acquiring new essential skills.” |
jane.purvis@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0439 144 598 |
Jane PurvisLearning Partner NT/SA/WA “Having started a career in financial services (UK) I have clocked up over 10 years experience in Customer Service, Learning & Development and Quality Assurance. I emigrated to Perth in 2012 with my husband to embrace new opportunities. Discovering the world of not-for-profit via The Salvation Army’s Employment Plus I have never looked back! After 5 years in the Training & Assessment sector my passion for all things Learning & Development took precedence. I am accredited in a range of TMS products including Team Management Profiling, Risk Orientation Model and Linking Leader LLP|360 which is a multi-rater coaching and development tool. My key strengths include facilitation, capability development and empowering our people.” |
nerys.hood@salvationarmy.org.auP: (02) 9466 3390 |
Nerys HoodLMS Project Manager "I have over 25 years of experience in learning & development, including 20 years at The Salvation Army. I have had the opportunity of visiting every Corps and Social centre throughout ACT, NSW and QLD, seeing the amazing work at The Salvation Army and the impact we have on thousands of communities and people’s lives. As I visited each site, I recognised the need to develop our workers, so that we could become a stronger Army. After helping to establish Learning & Development in ACT, NSW and QLD, I have focussed on delivering development opportunities via online solutions. I believe in equality of learning and due to our geographic dispersed workforce, we need to look at ways of delivering learning via all methods, to ensure learning opportunities are available for all our workers. If I can help you with any virtual or online training need, I’m a phone call away." |
alison.gallagher@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0466 655 096 |
Alison GallagherLeadership and Management Development Partner "I have experienced leadership from multiple perspectives and use these experiences in my current role as Leadership and Management Development Partner to cheer on others as they courageously lead, stretch, and grow. I have dedicated 25 years to TSA and continue to be passionate about its mission. My educational journey includes a Master of Ministry, Bachelor of Theology, and a Cert IV in Leadership Coaching and Training and Assessment. I am accredited in Team Management Systems, EQ-i, and am a certified ‘Fierce Conversations’ facilitator". |
Sheridan Messenger Learning Partner THQ Centralised Services “I have been with The Salvation Army for over 10 years and have recently made the exciting move into the Learning & Development team as a Learning Partner. I have worked on many Human Resource Management and Learning & Development projects over the years, a lot of which involved supporting the development of individuals and teams across The Salvation Army. I have a passion for helping people develop and to support current and emerging leaders to reach their full potential.” |
Trish Chin e-Learning Specialist I’ve been with the Salvos for 10 years, and in the Learning and Development space for about 20 years, starting out in retail before finding my passion for online learning. I love creating eLearning content that’s engaging, accessible, and easy to use, so everyone in The Salvation Army can learn and grow confidently. Alongside designing courses, I support personnel on Learn, our LMS, and work closely with subject matter experts to ensure our training is relevant and impactful. |
julie.mcfadyen@salvationarmy.org.auM: 0428 246 864 |
Julie McFadyenLearning Partner Vic/Tas “I am passionate about helping and developing people, whether it is in a big or small way, helping people achieve their professional or personal goals, or just being someone that you can talk to. With over 10+ years’ experience in consulting, frontline and leadership coaching, stakeholder engagement, facilitation and customer service, I am thrilled to become a member of the Learning & Development Team in Eva Burrows College working with The Salvation Army; enabling me to combine my passion and skills to empower others to build their own and their team’s capabilities to achieve their potential and desired outcomes, and ultimately the vision of The Salvation Army.” |
peter.veitch@salvationarmy.org.au M: 0457 597 963 |
Peter Veitch Learning Partner Divisions and Mission "I am a Learning and Development practitioner with 20 + years’ experience in national and international Learning and Development roles in a variety of industries such as IT, retail, construction and not-for-profits. My career has included leadership development, executive coaching, frontline and high-potential leader development, and program design across Asia Pacific and the USA. Most recently, I held a national Learning and Development role with Salvos Stores. I am accredited in a range of team and leadership profiling tools, 360 assessments, and hold a Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. I have a passion for working with people at all levels to support them in their personal growth journey and in helping develop their abilities to be successful in their current roles and in guiding and supporting them to continually develop and be ready to take on future career opportunities. I am very excited to have recently joined EBC and am looking forward to working more widely across TSA as we develop people to achieve their potential". |
For further information
p | +61 3 9847 5400
e | enquiries@ebc.edu.au